'Sigma Tele Care' is the Teleservice facility combining the technologies of modern compressor engineering and data transfer to increase availability and reduce operating costs of compressed air systems.
Over the operational life of a compressed air system the purchase cost, depending on utilization, represents only 20-30 percent of overall costs, the larger portion being made up of energy costs, maintenance and repair costs. This has been one of the major factors stimulating Kaeser in the development of Teleservice capability for its compressors. Every compressor equipped with the computer-based 'Sigma Control' can be connected to a master controller as well as to Kaeser's global data network. This allows the manufacturer's experts to keep a watchful eye on the operating profile of an air supply system and instruct local service personnel to make adjustments, if necessary, to continually match system parameters to air demand and operating conditions, keeping the production of compressed air within the most economical, energy-efficient envelope. Continuous monitoring also allows planning and initiation of maintenance activities to make best and most economic use of manpower and materials, the maximum use of consumable parts and ultimate reduction in overall lifetime costs.
Transfer of all relevant operating data brings the air system under the constant supervision of the manufacturer and qualified service personnel, even if they are continents apart. Using remote diagnosis, the local service technician can pinpoint a fault and determine any parts needed for its correction. This not only reduces downtime but also keys-in service parts and activities to the actual requirements of the machine.
The combination of 'intelligent' products, a global data exchange network, competent business partners and a cost-oriented corporate philosophy lead almost inevitably to 'Sigma Tele Care' and this facility is now incorporated in all Kaeser quotations, whether for individual machines or complete compressed air systems.
The 'Sigma CC' (Control Centre) gives the compressor user's service personnel and the manufacturer's Teleservice Centre the capability to interrogate the event memory of any machine or master control system based on 'Sigma Control'. The information gained in this way can be used to clearly trace the cause of any critical situation, which can then be dealt with often without the need for costly and time-consuming personnel visits.
Variations in pressure can be traced and changes in actual demand can be related to time of day. Current operating temperature and the temperature curves of all machines can be called up as well as the pressure differential within individual compressors and the remaining time left for consumable parts. Further information available concerns the utilization of the air system, the total time in operation, the time under load and idling, the loading ratio and operational status of the compressors.
18. 03 02 , Reprodução livre – comprovativo desejado